vLog on automation on Microsoft Azure

Hello everyone,

This will be a short blog post, but it will contain two videos from youtube that I just published. The videos are part of the new vLog I am doing where I will be showing how I tackle the task of doing automation on Microsoft Azure using PowerShell. The series is meant to show you everything I am going through doing this so it will be recorded on the fly and not edited that much afterward. The only editing I will be doing is making sure sound volume is as good as I can get it and putting in an intro and outro. Mistakes I will be making during the automation work will remain in the video since I am learning from those mistakes and maybe so will you.

I do have one request from those of you reading this and watching the videos. Please help me become better with sending me suggestions on how to improve, this can be both the recording but also the coding. I will be starting the code from a simple view and advance it during the series, so any pointers on doing a better job are welcome. It is my first attempt on a vLog so be gentle but honest 🙂

The last thing I want to mention is that I hope to deliver one video per week, I will be starting with two videos to get it all kicked off. I hope you will enjoy it.

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